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Gary Unger's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Gary Unger's rumours posts


29 Jan 2023 05:00:44
Leafs - Kerfoot and a 3rd
Chicago - Domi
Would like to see Domi get a shot here.

Gary Unger

1.) 29 Jan 2023 18:33:22
Great trade love Domi bleed blue and white. He’d be the warrior for this team.

2.) 30 Jan 2023 23:04:34
only Beavis and Butthead- our 2 idiot leaders can keep their jobs after zero performance results year after year
The problem is the fans. if they'd stop going, you'd see a change. but that's never gonna happen How can our 2 idiot leaders not see how Tampa, Boston are constructed skill, grit, and nastiness doubt Beavis and Butthead will ever get it. best they'll do is being in 1 tough guy.



13 May 2022 22:14:53
Well finally here we are, a suprise to no one and called months in advance. Game 7 against two time, defending champions. The hard work in regular season paid off, and the affair is in the friendly confines of home. I like it a lot A defining moment for all involved. For some strange reason this time feels different. Mathews could go off!

Gary Unger

1.) 14 May 2022 02:40:10
This feels different for you?

2.) 14 May 2022 06:14:21
Feels the same to me Randy. Maybe I won't burn my jersey's though. If they lose againz not sure ei can handle it.

3.) 14 May 2022 12:59:52
Worst case scenario, where is the best place to start the fire dubas chant?

4.) 14 May 2022 19:34:28
It feels different in that they seemed lost and listless to Montreal, and scared against Columbus. This time feels as if they are competing. Not scared, not listless, just competing hard against a real good team. I'll be first on the Dubas must go train if they come up short, but I like their compete this go round. JMO.




Gary Unger's banter posts with other poster's replies to Gary Unger's banter posts


22 Jan 2024 02:38:48
Tre is a puppet. Nice enough human being but a Shanny puppet just the same. His job was to sign Austin and Willy period. This keeps the business machine rolling and should be good enough to make the playoffs. Fill in whatever else you can Tre, and don't say anything off base at all or we will have to Dubas you. Not sure the makeup of this team has anything at all to do with winning championships. It's not in the big boy's DNA. Strictly 100% business for Shanny, and ownership love him for it.

Gary Unger



07 May 2023 03:47:05
The breakouts are horrible. Leading once again to these stretch pass icings, and on a bad faceoff night, it is instantly hemmed in again. When it is not icing, it is picked off and brought right back in. Wingers have been watching Willy to long. Babcock screamed and moaned about this years ago. Still happening when under pressure. Clean 5 man exits, and use the team speed against this defense and it is ball game. I did not here anyone mention Lily's game. It was benchable in my opinion. Time for Keefe to do something now. Get through to them, or he has lost them or maybe never had them. Baffled was such an odd answer during his post game interview. Anyone else?

Gary Unger

1.) 07 May 2023 04:23:16
Or maybe Keefe's baffled response just says it all.

2.) 07 May 2023 07:10:59
As far as Lilly goes, I'm not sure you can bench every defenceman that's been playing badly. That would leave Rielly and Brodie out for 60 min every night. As a unit, the entire D corps has been shaky. McCabe is a good defenceman, but he isn't a great puckmover. I don't like him out there with Brodie. Oddly enough, I feel like this team from nothing but puck moving D, to only really having Rielly. Gio, McCabe, Lilly, Holl, they've all be abysmal with the break out passes.

I hate to say it, but I could probably be persuaded to put Gustafson in for game three. He's horrible defensively, but so is Gio right now and at the very least, he can move the puck.



03 May 2023 02:24:41
Certainly not the best effort.
Just wondering if Kerfoot dressed tonight? Talk about invisible. Loving Knies' game.

Gary Unger

1.) 03 May 2023 03:46:19
Kerfoot dressed tonight. That's why Lafferty was out. Only reason I remember Kerdoot exists lol.



19 Apr 2023 01:30:54
Corey Perry show. Goal, assist,2 drawn penalties for goals in about six minutes of ice time after two periods. Not a bad 4th liner.

Gary Unger



11 May 2022 02:53:25
Love it when Mathews gets physically involved! A totally different dynamic. Reilly's goal helped him salvage a sub par performance. I agree Muzzin was very good.

Gary Unger

1.) 11 May 2022 06:27:07
Mathews was on a mission after the first. Love to see it.

2.) 11 May 2022 12:43:39
I think the 5 on 3 penalty kill and Spezza got them going. I am not talking about Spezza talking to Campbell, I mean when he threw that big hit in the Ozone it seemed that the team started following the physicality after that.

3.) 11 May 2022 12:53:42
Should have added about Matthews in my pervious post. Agreed Gary, when Matthews plays physically, he is a dominate force every time he steps on the ice and the game tilts in the Leafs favour.




Gary Unger's rumour replies


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14 May 2022 19:34:28
It feels different in that they seemed lost and listless to Montreal, and scared against Columbus. This time feels as if they are competing. Not scared, not listless, just competing hard against a real good team. I'll be first on the Dubas must go train if they come up short, but I like their compete this go round. JMO.

Gary Unger




Gary Unger's banter replies


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05 May 2024 04:14:16
I agree totally with your assessment RLF and well said. Samsonov just being Samsonov. I believe him, it's just who he is.

Gary Unger



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03 Nov 2023 21:26:54
Saw my 75 year old neighbour lady take the broom, to a six or seven pound rat dog that was harassing the paperboy, coming down the street. No noise or fuss, just womped out of it. Paperboy is on her team. Same old, same old.

Gary Unger



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02 Jun 2023 02:51:06
So Dubas and his massive ego, used Shanny and the Leafs as a stepping stone. Good for him, good luck, see you later. He is not the first egotistical hypocrite and certainly won't be the last to attain their goals by any means. Loyalty is as relevant as a handshake in today's business world. I have been personally watching this gm carousel in excess of 50 years. Treliving's turn to take the ride. Seems like an educated, personable hire, but they all did. Hopefully his experience with Johnny hockey taught him about the pain an organization experiences with letting your stars become UFA's. Sign Austin before July 1st or trade him. I do not want to hear we are working forward in good faith, period. There is not any good faith. This is strictly business. Dubas was in a way, their mentor (MMN) and there is not any reason whatsoever to believe that they will bargain any differently than he did. Give us a team that brings their lunch pail to work, and gets tougher as needed. This team is and has been way to soft, and it has been more than painful to watch. Keefe is also part of that structure. He has to go. Onward and upwards on the carousel.

Gary Unger



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24 May 2023 02:55:04
A lot of great points and observations made in these posts. Dubas gone is okay by me, and good luck. A lot of Presidents have carried out the GM duties over the years and it is at such a crossroads with crucial players that maybe Shanny should handle the transactions himself. Pridham can help with the numbers. Put best possible offers together for whoever it is you want to keep and sell them on it. Do it quickly, as the timing is obviously part of the strategy of everyone involved. If Shanny is the man, let him be the man. Can hire a GM later. Dubas' timing is very suspicious to me, but already water under the bridge. Does Austin want to be here - Yes or No straight up. There is no way that Shanny can even go to July 1st. Next ten years are going to be the results of these decisions. Anyone coming in has about 5 weeks to get acclimated and make decisions, that have a decade of implications based on them. Very big ask of anyone. Has to be Shanny.

Gary Unger



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13 May 2023 17:52:54
RLF repeatedly mentioned Bennett at last years trade deadline and could have been had. Guy comes in and runs us out of our own rink. Gudas destroys people after the whistle, with barely a dirty look directed his way. Tychuk punching guys in the face, and getting goofy grins in return. But the analytics.

Gary Unger