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22 Jul 2024 22:02:40
Is this it for tredeadthing?
Is that what is meant by a busy summer?
Sign 2 dmen and a goalie
Resigned Domi
Hired Berube and a new scoutmaster

Wow how do they manage all this work load?

They are gonna run it back it appears

There is time yet I guess
But this may be it .🤦‍♂️🙄

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22 Jul 2024 23:48:16
I'm really nor sure what else he can do. He's got very little cap space, and NMC's everywhere. With JT and Mitch on their last year, that's when we see if he fails or succeeds.

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23 Jul 2024 13:59:24
There's LL making another excuse for them. Why make the hard decisions, or the smart ones, when this fan base is the best at continuously giving them more rope and making excuses for their incompetence? Do they sell this Koolaid online or is something you home brew? WendelClark has it right, they aren't doing anything about the real issue, they're running it back with the same group that can't get it done. Not sure why an 8th year of failure is needed to understand that outcome is inevitable but maybe it's because "what could Treliving really do about it given the cap constraints". bwahahahaha. The same constraints EVERY other team has. Clowns. While the current leadership team put themselves in this spot because they are terrible at the job, I can't be expecting them to fix it because it was a lack of competency that got them there, there's no way they have the competency to get out. Time to act Pelley!

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23 Jul 2024 15:45:29
@JDUB Dubas gave everyone who wanted one a NMC. What can tre do about that?

I wouldn't have resigned Willy personally, but that can't be changed now.

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23 Jul 2024 16:26:43
NMC doesn't mean he can't be moved. There are alternate ways to make it happen. Start with letting it leak that Marner vetoed a trade. The media, fans and his teammates would be all over him. There's no way he would want to stay. You can also restrict his playing time. Hurt him in his ego. Bench him and call him out publicly. Tell him you won't be resigning him under any circumstances so no 8 yrs. You see there's lots of ways to force him out if they really wanted to fix their mistake. And BTW, this was a mistake than ran through Shanny, who also prevented fixing this issue when he turfed Dubas last year when he could have fixed it without any NMC nuisance.

Willy is a valuable player for the Leafs who can compete when it matters most. He also doesn't whine about things and plays through adversity and scrutiny, not like Marner. The only problem is that Shanny fired Dubas and Tre twiddled his thumbs and let Willy have a monster start of the season before signing him at more than they should have if they had done this contract earlier.

Stop making excuses for them. They cause these issues and they don't have the brain power to fix them. Mark my words, this organization is going to be screwed for another 10 years if they don't find a way to get rid of Shanny and Treliving before they cause even more damage. This team is not built to win, they don't have the right pieces in place and are handcuffed by a salary structure that they refuse to fix.

Even those people who comment that they'll have lots of cap space once JT's contract is over have zero clue how that works. Knies will need a new contract, Woll's new one kicks in. They'll still need to replace JT's contribution, which probably is about a 7 million dollar value. You already know Tre is going to drag his feet on extending Knies and will probably allow him to have a monster season which only drives up his AAV. And Knies knows he's super valuable to them because he's their best LW option.

These guys shouldn't even run a lemonaid stand let alone the most valuable NHL franchise. Trash!

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23 Jul 2024 18:02:08
oh and McCabe will also need a significant raise from the 2M he's currently on. JT's contract is more than used up.

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24 Jul 2024 04:46:53
How much do you think McCabe is getting? It's more than now, but I'd use Roy as a comparable.

I'd sign Knies long term as well, but I have no idea what's going to happen, neither do you. You're just speaking in hypothetical there.

Every other team does not have 4 guys making 60% of the cap, all with full NMC. If you want a real comparable, look at Trouba. He's not going anywhere because he doesn't have to.

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24 Jul 2024 14:21:18
McCabe will be in the 4.5M to 5M AAV based on his current production. Who knows how high that goes if he has a solid year. They're looking at least a 2.5-3M increase on his cap hit. Knies will be getting at least 6M on a long term deal, there's another 5M increase. Woll's is going up 3M, so just with those 3 players the Leafs will see an increase in cap spending of $11M. There's JT's contract, oh and BTW you no longer have JT on your team so he needs to be back filled. That's the math, not hypothetical.

In terms of Trouba, his situation is completely different. He only has a 15 team not trade clause. He very well can be moved if Drury wants it to happen, case and point Goodrow. Drury took the emotion out of the equation and found a loophole to move his and get his cap space. Albeit they would not waiver Trouba as he's more valuable than that, but they very well could if Drury valued the cap space more than the assets. This is exactly the approach the pansy Leaf management should take. The Leafs management, while I've seen enough to conclude they don't have the skillset to be successful, are not in charge of the team, the players are. Catering to these Gen Z's sensitivities has been the downfall of a great opportunity. While I wasn't a superfan of everything Lou did, he always made it about the name on the front not the one on the back of the jersey. Chasing bloody records. throwing tantrums when they don't achieve milestones that they can use to milk the team for even more money. EAD you babies! Look at history of which teams win. It's the ones where management is the only voice that matters.

The Leafs have squandered the prime years of one of the greatest goal scorers in NHL history! That's insane and disgusting.

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24 Jul 2024 14:22:33
Hey jdud I think coming on here and bitching and complain to everyone is really helping the leafs… leaflife is right trelivings hands are tied the nylander/ marner had to happen last year but there’s one guy holding this team back and it doesn’t matter who the gm of the leafs is as long as shanny is the president none of these guys will be held accountable plus the leafs haven’t had a decent blue line in years so that’s where they focused I personally would of liked to see them get a centre as well but all of them were overpaid.

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24 Jul 2024 14:58:20
Hey 2.0, I'm not bitching or complaining at all, I'm simply stating facts. I agree that Shanny is the first domino that needs to fall, but Treliving has only demonstrated an ineptitude for leading and being a forward thinker on running an NHL team. At no point in his career has he done anything to show that he knows how to build a winner. I don't believe his hands are tied but rather that he doesn't know what to do with them other than keep one thumb up his keester. To be honest I hope he keep it there until such time as he gets relieved of his role. They still don't have a decent blueline. It's better than last year, but only if the old guys stay healthy, and that's a big IF.

The reality is that who even cares about the D? That hasn't been their issue these past few seasons, it's been that they can't score. OEL has 28 goals in the past 5 years and Tanev has 33 in a 15 year NHL career. Thank goodness we'll be able to score now. HAHAHAHAHA.

The player construction doesn't work. This has been thoroughly been proved out. The cap constraints with that same construction amplifies the fact that it won't work. I'm not sure how much more information they need to have in order to get that through their heads?

Who the F cares about "winning" a Marner trade? You get it done because you know the current setup doesn't work. What are they going to do? Re-sign the child to another huge deal with a NMC that F's the team another 8 years? Let him walk for nothing? Or do you get some assets back for him and spend the cap space? oh wait the time to do that has passed because they didn't act quickly.

You show these babies that you are in charge. You don't control how we run our business, we do.

Look at EDM just signing Bowman. There's a GM that'll bring a winner to that city again. Sorry Leaf fans, maybe in your kids kids lifetime.

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25 Jul 2024 09:28:32
I actually appreciate j dubs comments
He is speaking the truth
It’s not bitching at all.

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25 Jul 2024 10:33:35
Read between the lines insiders said that they believed dubas was gonna move off this core shanny canned him and what did he do he called them all up and said it’s ok your safe with me so how can we sit here and really think that it’s been any different with tree I think shanny said we can trade Mitch but only if it’s an overpay. As for this offseason I look at it this way torontos special teams were something that killed them and so instead of overpaying for 1 guy that was sought after he chose to add multiple mid guys I’m not saying this team is better on paper but to say that this isn’t all dependent on shanny is laughable.

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25 Jul 2024 13:00:40
The Leafs could very well have a better team on paper this year and may have another decent regular season but unless they learn how to score playoff goals, meaning in tight and in the hard areas, they'll be out in round one again. On paper the Leafs have not only not added any of this type of player, they actually have subtracted one in Bertuzzi (not that I would have paid for him) . Can Chief change how the Leafs score over the course of the year? I'm not sure he can. He'll be tough on his asks but as mentioned above, the players rule that team, not management. With all the exponential pressure they'll be facing this year there is zero chance that room won't be divided, especially with the biggest baby of all in Marner there thinking he's a God. Add in the fact that new systems take time to adapt and don't always yield the desired results right away, it's going to be a sh! t show if they start off with a few L's, albeit probably exactly what the fans need in order to get meaningful change happening.

If history is the indicator, the Leafs will wait too long to make the required change and then when they finally do, it'll be the wrong decision. The koolaid drinking fans will then give them the excuse of "well their hands were tied".

How bad does this organization need to be to make me consider teaching my son to be a Habs fan?

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21 Jul 2024 02:48:31
Been using puckpedia since capfriendly was bought by Ovi's handlers and have found it similar but different.
For instance instead of using the acronym NMC for No Movement Clause the use a boat anchor graphic (f@#&ing hilarious).
Has anybody else found any quirky or funny aspects to puckpedia they found interesting?

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22 Jul 2024 20:32:53
They tell a lot about the contract except waiver exempt. I find that odd.

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20 Jul 2024 12:15:06
So, I think we are done seeing moves this off season, maybe a PTO or 2. What does everyone this opening night looks like?

Knies Matthews Domi
Jarnkrok Nylander Marner
Mcmann Tavares Robertson
Kampf holmberg reaves

Reilly Tanev
Mccabe Benoit
OEL haakanpaa/ Liljgren


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20 Jul 2024 15:32:06
Largely unchanged from last season, season before, on and on. Nothing will change.

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20 Jul 2024 15:56:33
I guess my comment here would be who really gives a sheet? I've never heard a Leaf fan complain about the regular season. It's only the playoffs that matter. This lineup doesn't get it done when it counts.

There is a next to a zero percent chance that Berube makes a tangible difference. Too many sensitive Gen-Z's on that team (Mostly Marner) . They needed to move him for a more balanced lineup and they have thus far failed to do so. This will be a season long distraction and will most likely divide the room.

Treliving and Shanny are incompetent and are still at risk to screwing the Leafs up even more through horrendous trades and contract extensions.

A real Leaf fan would be praying to whichever God you fancy that Pelley steps in and cleans house before any further destruction can occur. Hopefully he is enticed by the availability of the old Chicago crew. At this point though I'd prefer a shaved Monkey over what we currently have.

Also in terms of the lineup you noted above, they would be better served having their young guns playing the entire season. Cowan and Minten should be in full time. Neimela, Grebyonkin and Steeves should get significant opportunities to gain experience.

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20 Jul 2024 16:44:43
You're such a ray of sunshine @JDUB.

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20 Jul 2024 17:18:50
Do you really think they will play Cowan and minten this year. I doubt it. I don't now grebyonkin, I could see Steeves and topi.

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20 Jul 2024 19:06:37
@Arens I been hearing about Steeves for so long now, I just see him as Bracco 2.0. Too good for the A, not good enough for the NHL.

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20 Jul 2024 21:35:23
LL I agree, I doubt Cowan, Minten and Steeves all make the team.

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22 Jul 2024 13:17:18
Not a ray of sunshine LL but I am shining the light on the truth of the matter. You can keep your rose colored glasses on if you want. We can simply revisit this next year, I can also pretend at that time that I'm sympathetic to your excuses then.

I do think that Cowen Minten Steeves Grebyonkin and Neimela get a decent amount of playing time however my commentary was that they should see significant time, ie the full year, based on where the team is. They don't have a playoff winning roster and have the potential to have some good spending money next year if Pelley can ditch those in charge before they mess things up even more. If those 4-5 guys can get a season of experience under their belts it would go a long way to having a shot in 2025-26.

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22 Jul 2024 16:38:27
@JDUB Once again, I don't think it's a winning roster either.

Arens just posted asking what everyone thinks opening night looks like, and you went off.

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20 Jul 2024 01:32:48
All this talk about Cowan and minten making the leafs but I don't think either do greboykin hasn't gotten much love from anyone but when you look at the player he's physically mature has a two way game isn't afraid to go to the dirty areas and he put up 19 goals in the khl against men not teenagers and was the captain and lead his team to a gargin cup to me he seems most likely to get a spot.

Knies Matthews marner
Mcmann domi willy
Greboykin Tavares jarnkrok
Reaves kampf dewar

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20 Jul 2024 02:41:57
Yes, I'm really looking forward to see what Grebyonkin brings.
I do think he starts in the AHL though, but I do think he'll be one of the first call ups.

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20 Jul 2024 02:47:35
BTW I think he is going with his name spelled

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20 Jul 2024 02:53:56
Good call. Completely forget he exists sometimes.

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20 Jul 2024 21:30:31
Grebyonkin could be a real find. I spoke of him a while ago. The weathermac was the first person I remember talking about him on here. He goes to the net. Decent size and physicality. Good shot and skater. He seems to have the kind of game that could transition to NHL ice size. I called out McMann a couple years ago as my horse, Grebyonkin would be it this year.

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21 Jul 2024 00:02:48
"Dark horse"

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19 Jul 2024 00:23:46
What’s everyone’s thoughts on the chances of Cowan making the opening roster? Also if he does how many games do you think he plays. I’m 50/ 50 on if he makes it. I believe he does but gets sent back to London and plays a bigger role for the world juniors. Do I think that right not necessarily but I think that’s what Toronto does.

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19 Jul 2024 02:04:33
I hate that he can't go to the AHL. It's the next logical step for him.

I think he plays a handful of games and goes back as well.

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19 Jul 2024 18:05:17
I think with our cap restrictions, he makes the team. I think they give him his 9 games to start and he forces them to keep him instead of putting a Jarnkrok in his spot.

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18 Jul 2024 17:55:09
Would the leafs be wise to reup knies now or wait?

To me makes sense to do it now he's poised to have a big year he's gonna play top 6 minutes and berube is a good fit for him

I'd go 5y x 4-4.5m

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18 Jul 2024 18:41:45
Risky move, but it'd the only way to get value long term.

If that's the plan, I'd offer 8yrs/ 5m.

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18 Jul 2024 23:42:48
It’s risky forsure but given where the cap is projected to go I don’t think it’s a signing that they can mess up unless he turns into a pumpkin in which he doesn’t seem to look like I don’t think he goes for 8 years unless he’s way overpaid.

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19 Jul 2024 18:08:43
I’d give him a bridge deal of 3.5M X 2. Even if he has 2 really good years, he won’t make more than 6M anyway with his 50pt contribution at best.

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19 Jul 2024 21:12:28
I'm with Clarky. I was thinking 2X$3M.

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20 Jul 2024 11:20:11
Agreed on bridge deal, especially if Marner & Tavares are re-signed.
Tavares $11M is already spent
Woll $3M
McCabe $3M
Knies $2.5M (bridge)
Marner $1.5M
$10M gone just on the above 4 increases, which leaves $1M for JT.
Add the $4M cap increase and there is JT's $5M AAV.
We're back in the same position.

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16 Jul 2024 15:47:13
Boys what kinda numbers do we see Knies putting up under bruebe and in his second full year, he put up 15g and 20a in 80 regular season games last season what do we think those numbers go to this year. He strikes me as a player that Cheif will love and I think will take some big strides this year. I predict he’s gunna score 25-30 goals with about 30 Assists. And I think he’s gunna be a big playoff performer this year.

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16 Jul 2024 16:14:37
I think he's down a little. Berube is a bit more defensively minded.

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16 Jul 2024 16:59:03
I got him at a little less than you Kmores. 23 goals and 28 assists. I might as well be specific on my prediction. Lol.

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16 Jul 2024 18:12:25
I’d say 25 goals and 25 assists playing on one of the two top lines.

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16 Jul 2024 18:31:49
I agree with RLF and Clarky, I think he'll be around the 50 point mark.

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16 Jul 2024 18:40:51
Leafslife you know the saying? what does good defence lead to…. Offence. I’m sure we will see some peoples numbers drop and some gain certain players tend to thrive or decline with a new system/ coach. I just think I see him on top line/ top 6 all year which will spike his production imo.

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16 Jul 2024 22:44:03
@Kmores agreed, but even if he hovers around or below 50 points, I'm still happy with him production at his age.

I'll say 17g 22a.

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17 Jul 2024 12:24:18
20 and 20 should be a goal for him.

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16 Jul 2024 14:42:05
So I hate to group myself with Mackin but I think we are under valuing Robertson a little bit in trades. Is he going to be a 30-40 goal scorer? Who knows I don't think so, but I think with the way he skates and his work ethic he might become a decent defensive forward who pops 10-20 goals a year. He has been a decent scorer(mind you in bunches) in limited playing time.

If both he and Marner start with the leafs I'd like to see them flank Tavares on the second line. If we trade him, we shouldn't be giving him away, should be a high end prospect or a defenseman in the same boat, high ceiling not living up to expectations

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16 Jul 2024 17:06:02
I don't rank him overly high because he doesn't create chances on his own. He is a complimentary winger who can be in the right spot, but he needs someone to get him the puck. Unfortunately, he isn't big enough to compensate for his lack of ability to drive play himself.
He may end up a 25 goal scorer and solid all around, he may end up scoring but a liability in too many areas of the game.
I think it is best to trade him now while it is still a bit unknown. Value wise to me. A mid-high 2nd rounder or solid prospect, but not a high end one.

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16 Jul 2024 18:14:08
He is a perimeter player Randy. Those guys tend not to do much in playoffs. We need guys willing to drive the middle, stand in front take some cross checks and battle in the corners. Robertson ain’t that.

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16 Jul 2024 18:43:45
Clarky, I didn't say I want him on the team, I just think as a fan base we undervalue him. I think put in the right position he can be a huge trade chip for us. I would like to start him with Marner and Tavares, Tavares is a work horse and Marner for all the slack we give him should be good at finding Robertson in scoring spots.

If we are keeping Marner, hopefully he can at least add value to trading Robertson. I've heard a few flames fans (I'm based in Calgary) say they'd do Robertson and a 2nd for Anderson, crazy to me. But other than bases have him ranked highly and see him as being misused in Toronto.

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16 Jul 2024 20:40:59
I don't think we should trade him now, while his stock is not really high.
I think Robertson will be a 25-30 goal scorer, so I would rather re-sign him and play him in the top 6 (with Marner), so he can increase his trade value.
Let him score a few goals and then make a mid season trade.

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17 Jul 2024 00:04:08
That’s all fine and dandy but as long as we are all understanding that this season is a wash. We are not winning with this team so might as well promote certain players to get better value? Just sick of throwing seasons away and we always have a different excuse as to why it’s ok this year.

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17 Jul 2024 02:22:56
Clarky this season will be like the others as long as the Core remains in tact, so why make rushed trades. We're just shuffling the deck chairs just like all other year's.
Nothing will change till JT's contract is done and with whatever will happen with Marner.
Leafs running it back for the 7th? time, hopefully the Core can do something this time around and hopefully Berube has a positive impact as well.

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18 Jul 2024 17:53:05
He’s 5’9 in a league that values big boys including Brad I honestly think Robertson was being moved regardless but he gave them an out what they get back is not much to care about.

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15 Jul 2024 14:34:22
Thought this might be a good topic on here.

If you're the Leafs GM and you can only make one move before the season starts, what is it?

It can be a certain player traded, sent down, bought out etc, or a change in one management role, but only one move.

Mine would be a Marner trade. There are other players I would like to move, but if I could only do one thing, it's trade Marner.

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15 Jul 2024 15:27:30
I got 2, first one is going back in the past and one is now

Trade nylander instead of signing him long term. This guy in my eyes plays with no heart or determination

My pick now would be trade marner. They have to I really hope there is somthing happening on the down low but I just can’t see it. I would rather keep marner then nylander but they gave the bank to nylander already obviously.

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15 Jul 2024 16:44:34
I agree on Mitchy. Even if it's a sub-par return, I'm moving him.

@Kmores I wouldn't have resigned him either, but this is where we're at.

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15 Jul 2024 23:02:01
I agree with Marner being the trade piece. But, if he doesn't waive, then I'm thinking Liljegren . I think he would get us a better return as opposed to Kampf, Jarnkrok or Robertson.
I would trade him for a 3C.

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16 Jul 2024 01:55:47
Tags. You got one move is the idea that you have to commit to, not a contingency plan as well. lol.

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16 Jul 2024 02:18:09
Lol, Marner then.

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16 Jul 2024 05:13:49
Nylander. If I could move that 11.5M NMC and get a decent asset in return. I’m all for it and resign Mitch to 10M or he can go fly a kite too. Nylander/ Mitch (one of), Robertson, Liljegren, Jarnkrok all need to go.

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16 Jul 2024 14:26:08
@Clarky oddly enough, Willy has won me over more than Mitch over the last few years. I don't think either one should be on the team, but I can agree with that contract being horrible.

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16 Jul 2024 14:33:42
Clarky. Can't re-sign Mitch or get rid of the rest because your one move was trading Nylander.

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16 Jul 2024 14:47:46
One move, would be sign Mitch 8×8, you say no contingency, but saying he doesn't sign then trade his ass.

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16 Jul 2024 16:06:07
Randy. If he won't sign, you haven't made a move, so trade him is the one move. Seems like you're on the trade Marner as the most important move as well.

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16 Jul 2024 18:44:49
My take is he should take a discount, over paid last time, should come in under paid this time.

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17 Jul 2024 22:37:22
My one move would be to make the Leafs a PWHL expansion team.
Just cause.

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18 Jul 2024 13:37:41
Lol. Unfortunately that is a guarantee to extend the Cup-less drought.

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15 Jul 2024 13:44:02
Every morning I wake do my normal routine and make sure I check trade rumours and this site just to see if today is the day that Brad Treliving pulls his tampon out and makes a move with some substance behind it. But yet again, another let down. 80 something more days of let downs. 🥹.

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15 Jul 2024 16:58:23
I just don't think Mitchy has any interest in moving at all. That's the issue.

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14 Jul 2024 23:43:21
I know it’s a long time away but, Who’s your top 5 in order cup favourites as of right now.
1. Edmonton
2. New York
3. Nashville
4. Vegas
5. Our leafs baby!

I think Edmonton having come that close are gunna be hungrier then ever they have pretty much the same lineup with more experience

New York I feel like they are gunna break out of the east sooner then later. With that goaltending, a legitimate number one D man and there forward group

Nashville obviously made a splash in free agency but I like a lot of there pieces and with that goaltending I feel they could make a run it

Vegas cause it’s Vegas and they always will do whatever they can or takes to try and push there team to the top

Leafs cause at some point it has to happen in my life time lol hoping the chief can unlock some winning and heart in these guys.

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15 Jul 2024 00:29:46
1. Panthers
2. Edmonton
3. Rangers
4. Canes
5. Vegas

Canes are still a very good team. Don't get enough credit.

Surprised you don't have Florida in there.

NSH isn't as good as people think imo. Really overblown right now.

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15 Jul 2024 03:14:15

I think watch out for Boston because of the acquisitions they made may put them over the top.

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15 Jul 2024 09:25:28
Leafslife I got Florida at 6 I just think 3 straight cup finals is gunna be tough to do. Ya I don’t know I think your gunna see NSH take a big step this year imo.

Clarky, ya Boston is always competitive plus the moves they made. Adding zadorov on there back end I think will be big. I have Boston at 7 on my list.

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15 Jul 2024 13:33:16

Leafs aren’t close to the conversation at this point until proven otherwise all the teams I listed are built for the playoffs New Jersey is a dark horse team for me but I don’t buy what the rangers are selling and Boston has a good blue line but their forward group is mid.

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15 Jul 2024 13:47:21
@Kmore, yes Nash made some great pick ups this off season but from my experience it always takes a good season for a team to gel since they picked up some players that eat big minutes. After the Florida dealings they almost never made the playoffs last year. But got it together in the Knick of time.

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15 Jul 2024 14:40:34
I also wouldn't sleep on Jersey.

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