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10 May 2024 03:03:09
In the interest of fairness, I have made this trade prop since I joined the site (maybe 5 or 6 years ago) . Opinions change, mine included, on it.

Tor Marner

Ott Chabot.


1.) 10 May 2024 03:35:42
Chabot, an always injured defenseman of the Ottawa Senators is a left handed defender, not even remotely filling the needs of the Toronto Maple Leafs who are in dire need of a top pairing right handed defenseman who is not injured 20+ games per season.
2020 - 2021 - 49 games played
2021 - 2022 - 59 games played
2022 - 2023 - 68 games played
2023 - 2024 - 51 games played.

2.) 10 May 2024 14:41:15
Marner for Tkachuk?



13 Apr 2024 21:10:56
Now might be the time to pick the carcass of the failed Yotes. I'm sure not everyone will want to move to Utah.

They seem to really. like Jack mcbain, but I'd love to throw some offers out there. Maybe Robertson+late-ish pick?


1.) 14 Apr 2024 02:08:24
I'm not sure if there will be a carcass. I would assume Utah will want to be good, especially since the League is expected to buy the team for $1B.

2.) 14 Apr 2024 03:06:07
@RLF doesn't mean every player wants yo move to Utah. It's unlike any other place in NA in a lot of ways, ans they signed up for Arizona.

Good time to at least try.

3.) 14 Apr 2024 05:44:47
It is the management who determine the trades not the players.

4.) 14 Apr 2024 13:17:07
LL. Yes, but as waterbuffalo said, the players under team control don't get to decide, unless you are predicting a revolt from the players. I doubt players wanted to go from Atlanta to Winnipeg either. Does Robertson+ get McBain? Maybe. But I don't think it will be because all the players demand to get out of playing in Utah.

5.) 15 Apr 2024 13:37:06
The fact that Arizona has to win the land auction, for their new arena and the league already has Utah as a contingency plan. Kinda stinks of some shady dealings. Someone just has to outbit Yates ownership (the league and or Utah owners) .

6.) 15 Apr 2024 19:22:33
Leafs67. It is weird isn't it.

7.) 15 Apr 2024 22:42:08
@L67 the best part is the league taking 200m for no reason.

8.) 16 Apr 2024 14:26:02
Vegas paid 500M, Seattle 650M.
Utah 700+M?
Outbit the Yotes, then flip the property. Almost seems to easy lol.

9.) 16 Apr 2024 21:53:50
@L67 pretty sure Utah is paying 1.2b.

10.) 17 Apr 2024 11:29:37
Wow! So is the fee just gonna continue to double?

11.) 17 Apr 2024 21:16:26
Yeah, franchise values are skyrocketing league wide. If you pay 1.2b to acquire the Yotes, what is a real team worth?

12.) 18 Apr 2024 13:52:17
I believe the $1.2B is for lock stack and barrel. Players, management, equipment etc. The fees paid by Vegas and Seattle were just for the franchise fees. How does that all equate value wise? I have no idea.

13.) 18 Apr 2024 14:57:55
@RLF they're calling this an "expansion" though, so I'm assuming it's a way of pulling some shady moves to make more money.

14.) 18 Apr 2024 16:24:20
LL. IIRC, there is something in their about the current Yotes ownership has 5 years to be able to bring a team back to Arizona or something like that. New arena site, Shovels in the ground on a new arena, finances in order etc have to all be done in 5 years. It is a strange situation. It's like the League is giving the owner $1B and 5 years to get it done and then charging the Utah group $1.2B to have the franchise, but Arizona ownership has 5 years to show they can have a franchise and likely the League then charges them a franchise fee. I don't know. It's confusing.

15.) 18 Apr 2024 19:15:37
@RLF that's the odd part. It's like a billion dollar loan, as he also has to spend 1B if he wants the team.



29 Mar 2024 21:37:35
Good signing for Benoit and the team. He almost doubles his salary going forward, gets a 3 year deal, and still has something to play for as he will expire in his late 20s.

Tre getting him at a bottom pairing number for 3 years is also stellar.

It brought me back to the Justin Holl and Pierre Engvall signings seeing this recently. Middle 6 and bottom pairing players Dubas signed vs McCann and Benoit for Tre. I have to look at this as almost exactly the same situation, except Tre did a better job.


1.) 30 Mar 2024 02:50:15
McMann not McCann.
Dubas left McCann unprotected in the expansion draft in order to protect Justin Holl.

2.) 30 Mar 2024 03:17:54
@WB yes, I know the name, I watch him quite a lot lol.

Auto-coerect always changes it, and I figured everyone (other than you apparently), understood.

3.) 30 Mar 2024 04:49:07
It is great signing we see how many more they sign b4 end of season

Robertson 2 years $1.35 mil per
Liljegren 3 years x $3 million per
Domi 3 years x $2.5 million per
Bertuzzi 4 years $3.5 million per
Jones 2 years $1.35 million per

2 players that don need a lot of high talent around them and can drive lines Matthews and Marner.

4.) 30 Mar 2024 12:21:13
Sorry I don't want lily or Robertson back I hope they are in a pkg for a legit top 4 d man.

5.) 30 Mar 2024 13:43:00
All his signings with term are big and physical and play a heavy style of game. Not talking about Willy obviously. I mean Reaves, Benoit, McMann and yes, even Kampf. He will evaluate Boosh and Edmundson and then if he likes them, I wouldn't be surprised if he can get them at the right number to try and extend them. Benoit and Boosh as a 3rd pair tendem wouldn't upset me at all. Rielly and McCabe as the top pair. Then have to fill in the middle.

Johnny. What I have been saying for a while as well. I just don't see Liljegren do anything well enough to compensate for his lack of physical prowess defensively. Maybe with the right partner? I am definitely not sold on him being more than a #5.

Mackin. I see Robertson and Jones as the only realistic numbers you have there.

6.) 30 Mar 2024 18:03:16
I see lily as nothing more than a 3rd pairing guy as well and he's soft.

7.) 31 Mar 2024 17:54:34
Come on David, I told you to pick a new favourite.
Robertson and Llyigren will be traded at the draft to San Jose and Anaheim for picks.

Bertuzzi I would resign but only at $3.5
Domi will be not be resigned, and Jones will be replaced with Talbot.

Get on the Barbolini train David as Robertson is leaving.



01 Mar 2024 05:06:07
Great trade.

3rd and late pick for Boosh at 675k?

Well played tree.


1.) 01 Mar 2024 11:30:51
Indeed Trev got it right this time. Still has cap space plus with Giordano most likely going on LTIR just got back all that cap space plus more. We’ll done ??.

2.) 01 Mar 2024 11:42:52
I’m down on this trade yes they didn’t give up much but boosh isn’t the difference maker they need I hope he targets a decent forward.

3.) 01 Mar 2024 12:34:43
Good trade. When you can get a physical 3rd pair D for a 3rd and 6th and for $675K, how can someone complain.

4.) 01 Mar 2024 12:37:54
Not a flashy trade, but and absolutely Solid trade! That plus Woll back in net. Things are starting to look up.



18 Jan 2024 15:55:23
Everyone is screaming for Keefe to be fired because that will fix these issues. Although I agree, I think you need to point out how bad this team is on the back end and depth.

JT 24g 64 pts
Marner 36g 94 pts
Mathews 68g 100 pts
Willy 42g 104 pts

That's the pace the big 4 are on. If wr look around the league at what 11 million dollars gets you on other teams, this just isn't it. Mathews is earning his money, Willy was until his contract was signed now he's fallen off a cliff, JT is playing like a 3C not a 1B, and Willy once again will not hit 100pts for that money.

What is another coach going to do here exactly? Make JT 5 years younger and Marner into a better player? Marner is a good player, but he isn't elite imo.

Looking at the D is even worse. Rielly is alone on an island. He's the only one producing from the back end at all, and Gio/ Brodie are almost unplayable. McCabe is what he is, but shouldn't be in there for 20+ minutes and Benoit is a fantastic 5-6 right now, but he isn't winning the Norris anytime soon.

What does another coach do here? I really don't see any difference.

Fire Keefe, but don't expect a cup with this roster no matter who they hire.


1.) 18 Jan 2024 16:35:40
The coach creates and implements systems. Their D zone coverage and penalty killing are brutal. So the players are either lousy or they’re not listening to the coaches, or both. Old saying is you can’t fire all the players so coach is first to go. I’d trade marner in a heartbeat but he won’t likely waive. I’d even let him walk into UFA when the time comes, just to recoup the cap space. You sign two very good players for the same money he’d want.

Keefe has to go, fair or not. Berube is probably the best option. Maybe Gallant.

2.) 18 Jan 2024 16:35:49
The blue line is the problem after Reilly, Benoit has been great for a bottom pairing guy. Bottom 6 guys have no identity and Samsonov pissed away a lot of points for the team. They'd be comfortably be in a playoff spot the trade deadline can't fix all the holes this team has and I'd rather they didn't trade away picks and prospects for rentals. Thus current team will be steamrolled in the 1st round.

3.) 18 Jan 2024 16:45:10
I think they need a coach that has a set off on him. Someone that’s willing to hold everyone accountable, equally. Shouldn’t matter the name on the jersey or how much you make. Right now, it doesn’t feel that way.

4.) 18 Jan 2024 17:15:55
I will rinse and repeat what I have said for probably going on two months. This isn't the year to go for it. We are looking at 1-2 years down the road we may have the team in place to go for it. I am still for firing Keefe. Bring in a guy with experience that can start to use this year to mold the team into how he wants it, Has to be a guy who likes heavy team play because we know that's what Tree would like to build.

5.) 18 Jan 2024 17:25:58
@CKPS I agree Keefe isn't the man for the job, I'm just pointing out that all the hate on Keefe is a bit unjustified.

I don't see a coach in the world that makes this D-corps look like anything more than it is. After Mo you have nothing.

After the big 4, they have nothing. JT isn't what he once was. His 5 on 5 numbers have been steadily declining and now he's in pace for 60 points.

What difference does a coach make?

6.) 18 Jan 2024 18:19:04
They need some more two way players and more rhd they have 3-4 forwards who are considered defensive players their pk sucks their pp isn’t much better there is some bright spots on this roster but it’s the same every year the blueline is sub par or below average and if the big guys aren’t producing they are not winning but they also take up all the ice time.

7.) 19 Jan 2024 01:46:04
If Keefe is fired then Treliving should be fired as well.
He’s the one who gave Keefe, Klingberg, Reaves, Bertuzzi, Domi, overpaid Kampf and allowed Schenn and Gustafsson to walk.
Treliving is the brilliant strategist who trade Lafferty for a 5th round pick instead of waiving Reaves.
Treliving’s waste of $20M in cap space condemned Keefe!
Treliving has had 8 months on the job and look at the state of the Leafs.

8.) 19 Jan 2024 12:45:48

So letting two 3rd pair D-men, both in their 30's walk, is a massive issue? Have you not lobbied constantly that the Leafs need to stop signing older guys?

Treliving has made mistakes. Every GM does. He has also made some shrewd signings and moves. Let's say he signed Schenn and Gustafsson like you wanted. That means no Benoit who is basically Schenn but a lot younger and cheaper. Wouldn't Gustafsson have taken our "2nd best defenceman" Liljegren's spot. That is also $3.6M on two 30+ year old D-men. You say Leafs shouldn't go after Tanev because he is 34, but wanted Tree to re-sign Schenn, who is 34.

all of this is revisionist history. You look at guys having good seasons elsewhere and say Tree should have done this or that and since he didn't, he has a list of blunders.

Most that are saying fire Keefe, said the same thing before Treliving got here, so it isn't based off of this year alone.

9.) 19 Jan 2024 15:11:27
But I think WB has a point. Tre did mess up a lot of the pick ups and never improved the D. I don’t think Keefe is the right coach here but I do think Tre hand cuffed him with a worse D than last year and Brodie is pretty much unusable. Keefe was set up to fail this year but he should have adjusted to a more defensive style and running two lines into the ground is not the answer. I really believe Bert and Domi along with a few others would thrive under a new coach. Bert does not like Keefe, he is probably sick of getting yelled at for what Nylander does every shift.

10.) 19 Jan 2024 17:56:08
Clarky. I admitted Tree made mistakes, but not re-signing Schenn for 3X$2.75M and not re-signing Gustavsson was not one of the mistakes.

Klingberg was also signed for the D, but is injured. In the end, no harm no foul as he is out for the season. People seem to forget Klingberg was supposed to be part of it. Brodie was supposed to be better than he has been. Liljegren was supposed to take another step, he hasn't. This is not actually playing like the the D-core that it was envisioned to be.

Let's also not forget the he wasn't allowed to participate in the draft, which also means hard to make a deal at the draft, even if he wanted to, when you can't be there.

He got Matthews to sign for a modest raise, which is looking like a steal. That never gets talked about.

All the good signings he made never gets talked about. Benoit, Lagesson, Jones, Gregor.

He took Sammy to arbitration instead of giving into him for around $5N with term. Waterbuffalo wanted Samsonov re-signed and said why go after Hellebuyck when we have Samsonov.

Let's also not forget he had very little cap space and lots of holes to fill with no assets to use to get good players. Free agency was the only way.

I keep hearing how he should have got his guy or that because people see these guys doing well on other teams and making less than say Bertuzzi. No one knows if they even wanted to come here or would have done well here. It's all speculation.

That is why I said it's revisionist history. Should have because I now see what these other guys are doing and it seems better than what we have.

Dubas was here for years, so I feel he is fair to criticize. Tree has been here a few months under almost impossible circumstances and people want a miracle Stanley Cup contender built. I said in the off-season, I have no idea how we can build a good team with such little cap space and so few assets. People had unrealistic expectations is the problem. That and people flip flopping from what they said in the past and now trying to claim they know better when they said the opposite in the past.

11.) 19 Jan 2024 19:01:00
@RLF yes he made some good minor decisions but anything with any substance not so well. Taking Sammy to arbitration and $100,000 signing bonus to Jones are his highlights (Benoit as well but lucky) . We needed a #1 RHD and got Klingberg. Yes he got injured but Tre did nothing since. Year is now a waste. Willy signing represents everything the True Leaf fans didn’t want to happen. Over signing wingers with no heart and still don’t have depth or D.




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01 Jul 2024 20:20:05
I like that Hakanpa signing. I can't believe he got less than Lilly. Head scratcher on that 3mx2yrs for Lilly.


1.) 02 Jul 2024 10:30:35
He could be their best signing he’s physical as hell.

2.) 03 Jul 2024 11:58:17
And now we know why. ?‍♂️For Brad to pull that off, no chance. They obviously knew this that’s why he only got 1.5M.

3.) 03 Jul 2024 13:35:04
He has no knee left



01 Jul 2024 18:48:07
I really don't know what anyone expected. After Mathews, Willy, Lilly, Domi, and Woll there wasn't any money left.

Here's hoping for a Mitch trade.


1.) 01 Jul 2024 19:36:03
I was hoping that they would spend their money on guys that were on the right side of 30 lol.

2.) 01 Jul 2024 20:01:53
@Goat not many available that were cheap enough. The cap situation is just horrible with Willy's extension kicking in.

3.) 01 Jul 2024 20:29:59
I'm fine with who we picked up.
Tanev is the best RHD we've had in years upon years. Contract at $4.5M works out fine and I'm not worried about the term. We need to save money on the AAV and givingnout term is the only way to do it.
OEL I'm on the fence, but again like kleinburg, Leafs are looking for some more offense from the back end and at $3.5M is not a bad AAV, would have like 2/ 3 years
Hakanapaa $1.5M / 2 years
Stolarz is a great pickup at $2.5M.
I called Murray signing 6 months ago, perfectly fine for a 3rd stringer.
BTW Roy had no interest in Canada as he would have been my first choice. Washington got a good deal with him.

Some pretry bad signing IMO
Monahan $5.5M / 5 years
Stephenson $6.25M / 7 years
Edmundson $3.8M / 3 years

Leafs have lots of trade chips as well
Lily (I think he's included)
They still have moves to make.

4.) 01 Jul 2024 20:55:03
I'm with you Tags. I'm happy with the day, especially when you add in the deal for Domi as well.

Rielly Tanev
OEL McCabe
Benoit Hakanpaa

I can't see where Lily fits in. As I said earlier, the deal was to make him more tradeable as arbitration is avoided. Teams are always looking for D-men and Lily will be attractive to someone for a prospect or pick hopefully.

5.) 01 Jul 2024 21:01:17
@Tags I don't think Pesce wanted to come north either.

6.) 01 Jul 2024 21:23:21
I liked the domi hakanpaa and stolarz deals all value deals… but liljgren making 3 mil is crazy he hasn’t been a guy you can trust ever they should of walked from him. Tanev im ok with the term but 4.5 for him seemed like an overpay is he the best righty we’ve had in a while… yes but that bar is set so low it’s not even funny and OEL is a klingberg but shoots left all in all the leafs may of gotten a bit deeper on the blue line but are weaker upfront hope some of these prospects are the real deal.

7.) 01 Jul 2024 22:12:40
I don't think OEL is as bad as most here seem to think.

8.) 01 Jul 2024 23:23:18
@RLF he wasn't great with FLA, and he's far removed from what he once was. It's the term I don't like.

9.) 01 Jul 2024 23:56:47
LL. I don't think he is great, just better than many are saying.

10.) 02 Jul 2024 10:31:57
I also wish tree would of signed guys like OEL to one year deals if you look at some of the players that signed for 3.5 and under I don’t think that money was spent well.



22 Jun 2024 17:44:56
I'm really not encouraged that Tre "reportedly" made a similar offer for Markstrom. Yes, a number one goalie would be great, but not a mid 30s goalie, that falls apart in the playoffs, and is signed for 2 years, with a full NMC.

I always hated the Markstrom rumours, and I'm not even big on the Saros rumours.


1.) 22 Jun 2024 19:20:19
Personally, I wouldn't mind Markstrom at $4.125M/ 2yrs for the price Jersey paid. I would have given up our 1st and a C/ D prospect. Markstrom play's lots of games (is healthy) and would be a good mentor for Woll IMO.

2.) 22 Jun 2024 23:41:27
Don’t mind the sarongs rumours he’s a one year guy with $5mil cap hit. Great 1/ 2 punch with woll.

3.) 23 Jun 2024 00:59:32
@Legend that's true, as long as he isn't resigned long term.

4.) 23 Jun 2024 00:59:53
@Tags Markstrom is at a very bad age for that cap hit. It's a really scary time.



04 Jun 2024 10:05:11
What's with everyone and Zadorov? One good playoffs, bottom pairing guy his entire career that can fill in on second pair if needed. Someone is going to overpay this guy. I hope it isn't Tre.


1.) 04 Jun 2024 14:13:57
I hope it's not us.

2.) 04 Jun 2024 14:20:33
Has more to do with him being connected to the leafs before he’s big nasty and what they are looking for honestly I don’t see him agreeing to come here because like you said he’s gonna get over paid.

3.) 05 Jun 2024 00:14:12
Tre has no $
We will get stuck with 3rd pairing promoted to 2nd pairing

One more year of Tavares and Marner
We got the $ then.

4.) 05 Jun 2024 00:27:47
I liked Zadorov in playoffs. I thought he was just a tough gritty bottom guy but he was moving the puck well, contributing offensively and played very physical. I wouldn’t mind paying 5.5M/ 4 years. Looked to me that he really wants to win. Love competitive guys like that. Add Roy and Carrier/ Desharnais and we are set.

5.) 05 Jun 2024 13:31:40
Biggest issue for me with Zadorov is term and money. He is a big man that has never been a great skater. At 29 already, how many years before we start to see a decline? 2, 3, 4? If he wants 6 or 7 years and over $4M, does that make sense? I like his compete ans why I wanted the Leafs to go after Mikkola. Florida got him for $2.5M and he's playing 2nd pair there. I would have loved to see him and McCabe as our 2nd pair. I like Zadorov, but what he may want as a contract could be too much.



17 May 2024 21:42:26
No such luck on Gallant RLF. I was hoping as well.

I'm still ok with Berube though.


1.) 17 May 2024 22:02:50
The more things I read about Berube, the more I'm liking him.
It seems like he and Tre have the same vision going forward and I can't wait to start our next chapter boys!

2.) 17 May 2024 22:21:08
@Tags agree on that. This team needs a hard nosed guy, that doesn't let them cry on the bench.

I like the hire. I was really worried about McClellan.

3.) 18 May 2024 00:05:02
I don't mind Berube LL. Im glad they at least spoke with Gallant. Similar style of coaching with Bruce. He demands effort, which is what this team needs.

And yes Tags, agreed about starting the new chapter. The Dubas Era is officially closing, finally. I have a lot more confidence in Tree and Berube than Dubas and Keefe.

I said last summer that i felt last season was going to be a transition year for Tree. He would evaluate and the Real changes would start this year. Seems that was the plan. I'm actually excited at the possibility of real change of personnel and the way the Leafs play. I thought we started to see a bit of it last season. Really interested to see what Tree has in store.

4.) 18 May 2024 02:57:29
@RLF one more year I believe. I don't think Mitch agrees to be moved, and JT will sign a team friendly deal going forward.

Transition 2 years as I see it.

5.) 18 May 2024 03:03:49
Bruce should read Berube.

6.) 18 May 2024 11:56:42
LL. If the Leafs tell Marner they can't afford to extend him, he may agree to go. If he won't waive, he may have a monster year as it is a contract year. I would think Leafs would prefer he goes to the west. Nashville, Anaheim should both be somewhat appealing.

7.) 18 May 2024 14:32:48
RLF I think most of us agreed it would be a feeling out year for Tre and then he would start building his team the following summer.
I will say this though, he did try trading for a Zadorov & Tanev package earlier in the season (which definitely shows us his direction), but seemed as if Calgary had no desired to deal with him.
Definitely like the path he's going in by building a bigger, tougher team all around (forwards & defense alike), a team with more 'snot' as his saying goes. lol.
And Berube seems like the perfect hire to follow in this direction. Someone who expects players to play with passion, heart, tenacity and physicality. A team playing a fast and hard forechecking game.

LL Depending on Marner's decision, you may be right with one more transition year ahead of us. Hopefully Marner agrees to a trade, so we can start moving full steam ahead.

8.) 18 May 2024 14:41:18
And Berube demands ACCOUNTABILITY from everyone!

9.) 18 May 2024 14:41:48
If most thought last year was a transition year for Tree, then why were so many complaining about his signings etc all year? lol

I think some could see it, but most wanted instant results (and probably still do) .

10.) 18 May 2024 14:47:50
Maybe I'm exaggerating with most, but I for one liked what he did especially with the time frame he had.

11.) 18 May 2024 20:26:58
@RLF I always liked his signings personally. I wasn't a fan of Klingberg, but it was clearly a transition year as everyone got a 1 year deal.

You can tell what Leafs fans think when you hear the media. Read an article from some nobody with a mock trade of Dobson+1st for Mitch. Media overhyped these guys foe so long they can't stop.

12.) 20 May 2024 20:17:46
Tags/ LL. We three are often not the majority. Lol.




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22 Jul 2024 04:40:18
So we just promote him and hope for the best?

This is why I bring up Bracco so often.

Everyone spent years placing Jeremy Bracco at 2LW. Where is he now? Rehab? KHL? Finnish league? Your guess is as good as mine.

We can't just assume every prospect is as good as the media says they are.




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22 Jul 2024 04:38:35
I'm good with this if they are.




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22 Jul 2024 00:31:08
@Hrenklin when has Steeves shown the ability to be a solid, middle 6, two-way forward, at the NHL level?




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19 Jul 2024 21:08:26
@Tags agreed. Don't resign him and use the cap space.

When I look at it as Matt Roy+Pesce is Marner salary, I'm fine with the space.




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19 Jul 2024 17:00:11
Keller is a stud. Think you're light.

They'd also want Mitch to make Keller better.





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24 Jul 2024 04:46:53
How much do you think McCabe is getting? It's more than now, but I'd use Roy as a comparable.

I'd sign Knies long term as well, but I have no idea what's going to happen, neither do you. You're just speaking in hypothetical there.

Every other team does not have 4 guys making 60% of the cap, all with full NMC. If you want a real comparable, look at Trouba. He's not going anywhere because he doesn't have to.




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23 Jul 2024 15:45:29
@JDUB Dubas gave everyone who wanted one a NMC. What can tre do about that?

I wouldn't have resigned Willy personally, but that can't be changed now.




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22 Jul 2024 23:48:16
I'm really nor sure what else he can do. He's got very little cap space, and NMC's everywhere. With JT and Mitch on their last year, that's when we see if he fails or succeeds.




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22 Jul 2024 16:38:27
@JDUB Once again, I don't think it's a winning roster either.

Arens just posted asking what everyone thinks opening night looks like, and you went off.




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20 Jul 2024 19:06:37
@Arens I been hearing about Steeves for so long now, I just see him as Bracco 2.0. Too good for the A, not good enough for the NHL.
