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24 Jul 2024 13:18:25
Jarnkrok $2.1M

James Unsigned
Keenan Unsigned

Detroit still needs some forward help and Toronto gets a B and C prospect + the cap space.


1.) 24 Jul 2024 13:48:28
Cap space for what tho?

2.) 25 Jul 2024 09:26:25
Add at the deadline
Trade robertson niemela for crouse.

3.) 25 Jul 2024 10:26:01
@wendel then make this trade closer to the deadline jarnkrok is a useful player on this team and in my eyes they don’t have a body to replace him till the deadline.

4.) 25 Jul 2024 12:09:23
Just my opinion of course. I think the Domi coming back and emergence of Knies offensively combined with the defensive game addition of Dewar and 2-way games of McMann and Holmberg has made Jarnkrok redundant. And I like Jarnkrok.
Depending on who makes the team, the Leafs have about $1.2M in current cap space and Robertson wants out. Delete Jarnkrok's $2.1M (now $3.3M in space) and the Leafs could take on money in a Robertson deal. Or even add in Liljegren to the package and take on bigger money.

5.) 26 Jul 2024 14:59:01
Rather get rid of kampf then jarnkrok. Holmberg can slot in on 4th live center or get a guy on a pro.

6.) 26 Jul 2024 15:00:33
Sorry PTO not pro.

7.) 26 Jul 2024 20:03:28
I'd rather keep the big defensive centre where Leafs are short at centre over a winger in which they have many.

8.) 27 Jul 2024 13:21:06
To me Järnkrok skates 100 mph all over the ice while not accomplishing much. This is just my opinion. I understand he can play up and down the lineup and PK. But it seems like when he plays on tbe top line, the play ends once it gets on his stick. He's more of a bottom 6 guy, but I feel someone on rhe Marlies could replace him for cheaper, if not a FA signing.



23 Jul 2024 13:16:10
How about a simple trade of prospects that may not get a chance this year with their current team.

Robertson RFA

Colangelo $.925M




22 Jul 2024 20:30:13
Liljegren $3M
Jarnkrok $2.1M

Roy $3M
Korczak $.825M


1.) 23 Jul 2024 13:28:17
Vegas had no cap space to take on more than they trade out lol.

2.) 23 Jul 2024 17:23:01
They can when including Lehners LTIR money, which they will. Might of lol'd a little prematurely.

3.) 23 Jul 2024 21:32:01
He’s expected to be back by September. Lol lol lol.

4.) 23 Jul 2024 23:22:50
Legend74 where did you read this? I've not seen any news on Lehner's return and would bet that his career is over.

5.) 23 Jul 2024 23:34:25
That's funny legend. Numerous reports say he is expected to be placed on LTIR through the remainder of his contract as he has been in the substance abuse program, declared bankruptcy due to lawsuits that haven't all been resolved.
Exactly who is saying he is expected back in September? Your magic 8 ball?
Can't wait to hear your source, but I expect crickets.

6.) 24 Jul 2024 13:33:40
Injury status September 15th 2024 return date
For Lehner. Look it up I can’t send a pic of it but I would if I could. How’s that for crickets. RLF your trade propositions are laughable lol lol.

7.) 24 Jul 2024 18:50:48
That's the earliest date they can activate him! All reports are showing that he will begin the season again on the IR list.

He's been out for two full seasons, the guys playing days are over.

8.) 24 Jul 2024 19:38:26

Wow, cause Puckpedia says he is. lol

You just want to dig your hole even deeper don't you. lol

Dont need the pic because you have no clue what you're talking about. Thanks anyway.

They can to decide at that point to place him on LTIR for the next season. September 15th isn't a return to ice prediction date.
Shea Webber and Bryan Little are also expected to return to Utah September 15-2024 according to Puckpedia. I'm sure you believe that as well.

Since you have shown your clear lack of knowledge on how the League works, you thinking my props are laughable, I take as a compliment. Thanks for disagreeing, it helps my credibility.

9.) 25 Jul 2024 19:42:36
Haha RLF ? Legend, hope you learned your lesson.

10.) 26 Jul 2024 15:19:56
I think I just heard some crickets. ?.



12 Jul 2024 14:59:02
Going off the board for something different

Jarnkrok $2.1M
Liljegren $3M
Robertson RFA

Bennett $4.425M
Greer $.850M


1.) 12 Jul 2024 18:24:41
Haha imagine Bennett and Domi playing together. Don’t see Fla moving him. He is a big piece of the heart that keeps that team throbbing. Stupid saying but I’m going with it.

2.) 12 Jul 2024 20:00:43
I'd do this in a heartbeat.



12 Jul 2024 14:28:35
Robertson RFA
Jarnkrok $2.1M

Kuraly $2.5M($500K retained)
Marrelli unsigned
Rysavy unsigned





RLF's banter posts with other poster's replies to RLF's banter posts


15 Jul 2024 14:34:22
Thought this might be a good topic on here.

If you're the Leafs GM and you can only make one move before the season starts, what is it?

It can be a certain player traded, sent down, bought out etc, or a change in one management role, but only one move.

Mine would be a Marner trade. There are other players I would like to move, but if I could only do one thing, it's trade Marner.


1.) 15 Jul 2024 15:27:30
I got 2, first one is going back in the past and one is now

Trade nylander instead of signing him long term. This guy in my eyes plays with no heart or determination

My pick now would be trade marner. They have to I really hope there is somthing happening on the down low but I just can’t see it. I would rather keep marner then nylander but they gave the bank to nylander already obviously.

2.) 15 Jul 2024 16:44:34
I agree on Mitchy. Even if it's a sub-par return, I'm moving him.

@Kmores I wouldn't have resigned him either, but this is where we're at.

3.) 15 Jul 2024 23:02:01
I agree with Marner being the trade piece. But, if he doesn't waive, then I'm thinking Liljegren . I think he would get us a better return as opposed to Kampf, Jarnkrok or Robertson.
I would trade him for a 3C.

4.) 16 Jul 2024 01:55:47
Tags. You got one move is the idea that you have to commit to, not a contingency plan as well. lol.

5.) 16 Jul 2024 02:18:09
Lol, Marner then.

6.) 16 Jul 2024 05:13:49
Nylander. If I could move that 11.5M NMC and get a decent asset in return. I’m all for it and resign Mitch to 10M or he can go fly a kite too. Nylander/ Mitch (one of), Robertson, Liljegren, Jarnkrok all need to go.

7.) 16 Jul 2024 14:26:08
@Clarky oddly enough, Willy has won me over more than Mitch over the last few years. I don't think either one should be on the team, but I can agree with that contract being horrible.

8.) 16 Jul 2024 14:33:42
Clarky. Can't re-sign Mitch or get rid of the rest because your one move was trading Nylander.

9.) 16 Jul 2024 14:47:46
One move, would be sign Mitch 8×8, you say no contingency, but saying he doesn't sign then trade his ass.

10.) 16 Jul 2024 16:06:07
Randy. If he won't sign, you haven't made a move, so trade him is the one move. Seems like you're on the trade Marner as the most important move as well.

11.) 16 Jul 2024 18:44:49
My take is he should take a discount, over paid last time, should come in under paid this time.

12.) 17 Jul 2024 22:37:22
My one move would be to make the Leafs a PWHL expansion team.
Just cause.

13.) 18 Jul 2024 13:37:41
Lol. Unfortunately that is a guarantee to extend the Cup-less drought.



01 Jul 2024 17:06:21
Anaheim has been very quiet. He was my number 1 choice for a Marner trade. They have kept all their cap space.




21 May 2024 18:17:45
"Playing predictable and North and playing as fast as we can. Structure is huge. We got to have structure in all 3 zones and that's going to be a priority. We want to play heavy"
Craig Berube


1.) 21 May 2024 21:16:58
First thing I thought of reading that "Sounds like Babs" lol.



12 May 2024 21:34:13
I mentioned a few days back a Keefe for Sullivan swap. I do think it may be possible.


1.) 13 May 2024 01:06:40
I think Berube was already decided on personally. Better or worse.

2.) 13 May 2024 10:27:20
Maybe they are waiting to see what happens with BrindAmour?

3.) 13 May 2024 13:45:02
Waiting for Rod could mean they lose out on everyone they are interested in then he may stay in Carolina. Not sure Leafs brass want to take that chance. Who knows.



06 May 2024 13:02:34
Sorry, have to post this because I was looking to see if Dubas would like to re-unite with Marner. After looking at their situation, I had to laugh. I never liked Dubas as a GM(As you guys know) and I was so glad when Dubas was let go(As you know).

Pitt is one of the oldest teams in the League as we all know and only has $13M in cap space for this off-season with only 14 players signed.






RLF's rumour replies


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26 Jul 2024 20:03:28
I'd rather keep the big defensive centre where Leafs are short at centre over a winger in which they have many.




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26 Jul 2024 15:19:56
I think I just heard some crickets. ?.




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25 Jul 2024 12:09:23
Just my opinion of course. I think the Domi coming back and emergence of Knies offensively combined with the defensive game addition of Dewar and 2-way games of McMann and Holmberg has made Jarnkrok redundant. And I like Jarnkrok.
Depending on who makes the team, the Leafs have about $1.2M in current cap space and Robertson wants out. Delete Jarnkrok's $2.1M (now $3.3M in space) and the Leafs could take on money in a Robertson deal. Or even add in Liljegren to the package and take on bigger money.




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24 Jul 2024 19:38:26

Wow, cause Puckpedia says he is. lol

You just want to dig your hole even deeper don't you. lol

Dont need the pic because you have no clue what you're talking about. Thanks anyway.

They can to decide at that point to place him on LTIR for the next season. September 15th isn't a return to ice prediction date.
Shea Webber and Bryan Little are also expected to return to Utah September 15-2024 according to Puckpedia. I'm sure you believe that as well.

Since you have shown your clear lack of knowledge on how the League works, you thinking my props are laughable, I take as a compliment. Thanks for disagreeing, it helps my credibility.




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23 Jul 2024 23:34:25
That's funny legend. Numerous reports say he is expected to be placed on LTIR through the remainder of his contract as he has been in the substance abuse program, declared bankruptcy due to lawsuits that haven't all been resolved.
Exactly who is saying he is expected back in September? Your magic 8 ball?
Can't wait to hear your source, but I expect crickets.





RLF's banter replies


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22 Jul 2024 20:32:53
They tell a lot about the contract except waiver exempt. I find that odd.




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21 Jul 2024 00:02:48
"Dark horse"




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20 Jul 2024 21:35:23
LL I agree, I doubt Cowan, Minten and Steeves all make the team.




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20 Jul 2024 21:30:31
Grebyonkin could be a real find. I spoke of him a while ago. The weathermac was the first person I remember talking about him on here. He goes to the net. Decent size and physicality. Good shot and skater. He seems to have the kind of game that could transition to NHL ice size. I called out McMann a couple years ago as my horse, Grebyonkin would be it this year.




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19 Jul 2024 21:12:28
I'm with Clarky. I was thinking 2X$3M.