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21 Jul 2024 13:12:31
Two big trades that could put Toronto over the top,

Toronto trades Marner, Llyigren, Steeves, Abbrezze
New York Rangers for Trouba, Kakao, Laforaine

Toronto trades Robertson and Topi Nienma
Winnipeg for Rutger McGoatry


1.) 24 Jul 2024 16:56:39
50% of the names spelled correctly, wow.



17 Jul 2024 01:55:18
Time to reshape the forward lines,

Toronto trades Jarnkroc and Steeves
Seattle for Brandon Tanev

Toronto trades Robertson and Topi Niemela
Winnipeg for Rutger McGoatry

Toronto trades Llyigren and Dewar
Chicago for 2nd and 4th in 2025

Knives Matthews Domi
McMann Holmberg Nylander
Mcgoatry Tavares Marner
Tanev Kampf Pare

Yes, if Marner waives his no trade to go to Vegas, for Barbashev and Montour that would be great!
But I don't think that is going to happen.


1.) 17 Jul 2024 10:52:25
Montour is Seattle, not Vegas?

2.) 17 Jul 2024 12:22:26
I think you lost about every trade here I get what you’re trying to do with the trades but I don’t think they make sense for the leafs.



09 Jul 2024 02:37:37
I would like Toronto to make moves like these to strengthen the Forward lines.
Yes , things could change if Marner waives his no trade, but that seems that it may not happen.

Toronto trades Llyigren
Chicago or San Jose for a 2nd round pick in 2025

Toronto trades Kampf and Robertson
St. Louis for Brandon Sadd

Toronto trades Jarnkroc and Timmons
Utah for 2nd and 4th in 2025

Toronto signs Dominik Kubalick as a UFA for 1 year $1.25 million on a show me contract

These moves frees up cap space and gets rid of our weaker bottom six players.

If Marner or Tavares waive their no trades then it's bonus time!

Knies Matthews Domi
Sadd Tavares Nylander
McMann Holmberg Marner
Kubalick Dewar Pare
Reaves (extra)

Rielly Tanev
OEL Hakinppa
Benoit McCabe
Meris Myers



1.) 09 Jul 2024 04:34:27
All your trades are awful but let’s look Robertson for Saad.

Saad earns $4.5 24-25 and 25-26 he is 31 years old put up 42 points last season over 82 games

Robertson max will make $2.5 a season on a bridge Nic is 23 years old when season starts put up 27 points over 56 games

If Robertson and Saad play same games this coming season I’m sure Robertson gets more points than Saad and your saving 2 million on the cap and have control on Robertson next 3 or 4 years

Next you’re trading Liljegren for a second round pick. Liljegren is not even fully developed yet this will be his best season to date and he shoots right perfect for second pair with McCabe at only $3 million next two years

Come on man your trades need to improve b4 you start your job as Gm of Pee Wee east division.

2.) 09 Jul 2024 23:50:06
David, still a Robertson lover! .
Get over it he is getting traded.

Also size matters in this league and so does toughness and experience, which Nicky has none of the above.

I have coached many teams at all levels and can assure you that you are wrong on all aspects of your comments.



05 Jul 2024 01:51:22
Toronto trades Llyigren and Robertson
Dallas for Mason Marchmont

Toronto trades Jarnkroc, Steeves and Timmons
Philadelphia for Scott Laughton


1.) 05 Jul 2024 19:49:12
I like the Philly offer.

2.) 06 Jul 2024 12:45:19
Leafs want to clear cap space so these leafs players will be traded for picks IMO.



03 Jul 2024 01:26:11
Toronto trades Llyigren and Robertson
To St. Louis for Brandon Sadd

Toronto trades Kampf
Colorado for Ross Colton (Colorado wants cap space)

Toronto trades Timmons and Jarnkroc
Utah for 2nd and 4th in 2025





Parkgardens's banter posts with other poster's replies to Parkgardens's banter posts


09 Jun 2024 02:31:00
Toronto needs to look at signing Jake Debrusk and Warren Foegle
Than trying to resign Bertuzzi and Domi

They could probably get Debrusk for 5.25 x4 yrs and Foegle for 3.25 for 3yrs.

Then sign Dakota Joshua 2 x 3yrs

Then Chandler Stephenson 2 x 2 yrs

Trade, Robertson, Jarnkroc, Dewar, Kampf, Llyigren, Timmons, Steeves

For picks to free up cap for Defense these players add up to approximately $8.5 million

This is all without getting rid of Marner YET!

Debrusk Matthews Cowan
Knives Stephenson Nylander
Foegle Tavares McMann
Bellows Joshua Russian Kid


1.) 09 Jun 2024 15:30:48
I really don't want debrusk.

2.) 09 Jun 2024 20:37:01
@Parkgardens, where did Marner go?

3.) 09 Jun 2024 22:32:27
So 4 ufas with 2 spots available who do you trade/ waive.

4.) 10 Jun 2024 19:18:42
I can’t see debrusk as a leaf to me his number starts at 5.5 probably ends closer to 6 he’s either gonna end up staying in Boston or go to a team like Chicago or Anaheim where he can get the money Stephenson will get a lot more money too not many centres on the market Joshua I think we should stay away he had one decent season and I like fogele.



27 May 2024 23:58:11
I predict the following players will be pursued by the Leafs July 1st

Matt Roy
Jake Debrusk
Chandler Stevenson
Phillip Myers
Josh Brown
Conor Brown
William Foegle
Shawn Monahan

Domi, Bertuzzi will not be re-signed as they want to much for what they provide


1.) 28 May 2024 08:57:28
When did the cap go to 120m?

2.) 28 May 2024 20:47:55
Hard to tell what they are going after in free agency until we see who they get back from the Marner trade. But I like Roy, Debrusk and bring back Domi after Mitch is gone.



31 Mar 2024 17:58:49
Marner and Draistal are both UFAS after next year.

If Toronto and Edmonton are knocked out of the playoffs in the first round,
Would you trade Marner for Draistal straight up?


1.) 31 Mar 2024 23:59:41
I'd trade Marner +++ for Drais. Especially with that contract.

2.) 01 Apr 2024 11:23:29
Yea draisital being able to play centre is a big plus for me it would settle that debate…. but what’s his next deal look like he’s put up more points and goals than marner.

3.) 01 Apr 2024 12:23:49
Yes and move JT to the wing or 3C.

4.) 01 Apr 2024 14:17:25
So mixed bag for me, and I can't believe I'm defending Marner here but. Draisaitl is absolute dog poo in his own end. So is the positives offence upside enough of a difference maker to make up for the shirt comings in his own end. Draisaitl is a top 5 offensive player in the world, but I think he might be allergic to his own end.

5.) 01 Apr 2024 17:29:13
@Randy he is horrible defensively, and I'm usually on the side of 200ft game, but not in this case. Drais being a centre really ups his value, as does him being world class offensively. He's always proven to be a leader and stepped up when Mcdavid is out for a bit.



07 Mar 2024 00:19:23
Toronto could also trade for Jan Rutta in San Jose, Won two cups in Tampa and played beside Hedman.
Hits, blocks shots and is tough in front of the net.
(Liljegren is not any of that)

Toronto could also trade for Edmundson with Washington, big hits block shots and is a beast in front of the net!


1.) 07 Mar 2024 04:06:42
I'm leaning towards Tree doing nothing.

Almost everyone big is off the board now. I don't see him doing anything.

2.) 07 Mar 2024 12:03:08
Nibble around the edges edmudson and a third liner is what seems doable without giving up the 1st.



07 Feb 2024 23:56:01




1.) 08 Feb 2024 11:26:10
Yes they have an insane amount of turnovers at both blue lines. This is what I have been talking about with regards to dumping the puck in and not trying to carry it or make low percentage cross ice passes. A lot of our bad defensive mistakes (goals against) usually start with a turnover in the neutral zone or just inside the offensive blue line. But only certain people get in trouble for those turnovers and some have different rules.

2.) 09 Feb 2024 13:04:03
Yes Leafs rank 4th in number of turnovers and 1st on a per game basis.

It’s not so much how many but where they take place.

Turnovers in the O-zone don’t often turn into goals while D-zone have a greater chance.

Also if you have the puck a lot like Marner, Nylander and Reilly the law of large numbers apply

Marner leads team at 46, Reilly at 45 and Nylander only 26 (so say what you want about Nylander but he’s not prone to turnovers) .

Brodie is 3rd on team and particularly problematic because he’s doesn’t have the puck as often as many. Domi and Bertuzzi are also big contributors.

Benoit (despite a big one against Dallas that didn’t lead to a goal) has but 14. Hes also not a big puck carrier but often makes the safe play.

3.) 09 Feb 2024 14:34:06

Why not mention Robertson on turnovers. If he had played as many games as Bertuzzi, he would have only 5 less turnovers while playing much less minutes. Bertuzzi also has an even ratio of turnovers to takeaways while Robertson is a negative 3.

In fact, Robertson has the 2nd worst per game turnover ratio, only behind Domi of all regular bottom 6 forwards. These two also have the worst giveaway to takeaway ratio of all regular bottom 6 forwards. Most have a positive ratio. Even Reaves is only a negative 1 ratio.

4.) 09 Feb 2024 16:41:47

Not sure about your math skills!

I see Bertuzzi at 26 t/ os in 48 games, greater than 1/ 2 per game while Robertson has 13 in 33, less than 1/ 2 per game.

You are no doubt correct on +/ - to takeaways.

I was simply responding to the new name for the Leafs that Parkgardens offered!

5.) 09 Feb 2024 18:16:42
He has 13 in 31. If you project that to 48 games its 20.13. Bertuzzi has 26 in 48. Sorry 5.87 less than Bertuzzi. I rounded up instead of down. Not sure how you feel I am way off on my math.
Point is, you went out of your way to mention every guy you want to trade saying they are the worst when they are not.

6.) 10 Feb 2024 13:21:50
Sorry for not including Robertson RLF.
Please forgive my omission.
I believe you said Robertson was second to Domi which is clearly incorrect.

7.) 11 Feb 2024 02:01:26
I said 2nd worst turnover to takeaway ratio behind Domi of all regular bottom 6 forwards. How is that not correct?




Parkgardens's rumour replies


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09 Jul 2024 23:50:06
David, still a Robertson lover! .
Get over it he is getting traded.

Also size matters in this league and so does toughness and experience, which Nicky has none of the above.

I have coached many teams at all levels and can assure you that you are wrong on all aspects of your comments.




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25 Jun 2024 00:08:17
Nope not Hildeby.




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21 Jun 2024 03:00:13
The joke is, how many cups did Wendel Clark win with the Leafs.
Yeah same as Marner.




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20 Jun 2024 19:24:33
So Wendel your ok with the bank robber not giving a rubbish and just wants more money, when we can get 3 or 4 player for him!

Your nuts!




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16 Jun 2024 18:37:40
Ok, I screwed up the teams, I would rather Binnington and Neighbors for Marner, but I don't think he will go to St. Louis.





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01 Jun 2023 00:07:11
Good then call Shanny and get rid of Fat Boy Keefe, please.




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01 jun 2023 00:06:14
totally agree!

fat boy has to go!
he can't even figure out who should play with who after 82 games.

he is a ahl coach at best, it is the players winning the regular season games, not his coaching.




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28 Apr 2023 14:33:27
Holl on for 14 goals against!
What is Keefe thinking, Tampa knows he is the weakest link and put the puck in his corner everytime.
Hey Keefe maybe you should take your lame buddy out for a big Steak and a bottle of wine.

Dumb Coach, hoping they lose series so Ownership can clean house of Dubas, Keefe, Shanahan, Nylander, Holl and possibly Matthews.




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25 Apr 2023 01:30:53
The problem is they just don't know when to put the foot down on the throat of these persons.
Nylander is the problem and would have benched him with his stupid slur foot. He should use a shoulder to hit by he is a bum.
I am done with these losers.




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19 Apr 2023 14:47:07
Well I think this crap performance lyes directly on Keefe.
All his screwing around with the lines, this 11 and 7 bull and playing Hellboy Kerfoot instead of Kives.
Tampa out skates them because they were off to long and DOUGHNUT eating Coach didn't skate them hard enough and he doesn't enough know who should play with each other!

I coach is a bum and needs to pack up and leave.

Same old bull crap after the game by the players, WE HAVE TO TRY HARDER, THAT IS CRAP.


